Hi! My name is
Schuyler (pronounced,
"sky-ler"). No, it's not a family name...Daddy claimed that Mama dreamed
it up in a nightmare. He usually made that statement in her company, so it
was probably more for her...ummm...benefit, than out of a deep need to relay
the truth. Her story is slightly more romantic, so it's the one I chose to
believe. She says that a movie star in the 40s (?) played a character named
"Schuyler," and she liked the name so much, she decided she would name her
first son - ~20 years later - Schuyler Edward. I kinda like it, myself. At
least it's not really weird like my younger brothers' names -
Michael and
Born in 1961, I'm sort of non-generational. I was too late to be a real Baby Boomer and too early to be a Generation-Xer. Yea, we're the ones who bought disco, Charlie's Angels, Pet Rocks, and Mustang-IIs. Now, we're selling it to the Boomers' kids! There is justice in everything...
I've lived a pretty strange life, according to some of my friends, but I think it has been an interesting life. I grew up on a farm in rural Middle Georgia, the progeny of ballroom dancers who kept their day jobs. We may not have had a lot of money, but love and encouragement carried me far - all the way to Georgia Tech, and now, I am a Telecommunications Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
In between, I cultivated a few passions, too. This site is the latest, and it's based on the rest.